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What can a man do about his health?

In our previous post, we covered some of the clinical basics of prostate cancer, but now we would like to take a step back and look at the greater picture. Strange as it may sound, there is a logical explanation to the beneficial effect of lifestyle change on medical conditions typical to men. Also, prostate carcinoma is not the only threat to men’s health, what’s more, if you assumed women can’t get ever prostate cancer because they don’t have prostate glands, well, guess again.

Which one is more dangerous to men: stubbornness or prostate cancer?

International Men’s Health Week is June 15-21, 2020, and we would like to share some related thoughts. Although, vast majority of men is reluctant to go to prostate screening because of the dreaded Digital Rectal Examination, so much so that they are rarely willing to even talk about it, it is increasingly important to get used to this inconvenient matter, not only because prostate cancer is the second most frequent cancer diagnosis in men and the fifth leading cause of death worldwide, but because the disease is strongly related to aging, and consequently, developed countries carry a heavier burden (1).

Radiation doses in healthcare – am I in danger?

Radiaton sickness is horror in itself, cancer is the most feared – and second most common – cause of death, and as we know, ionizing radiation can induce both. But how come that we use this devastating type of radiation so successfully in medical imaging and even as a cancer therapy? Well, the devil – or in this case, the angel - lies in the details. Get a clear picture of the safe doses and calculate your own risk.

Tics in childhood and adolescence – how to tell apart repetitive behaviors?

Everyone has heard of Tourette’s Syndrome, and for the most part, he thinks he knows what it is: weirdos swearing loudly and uncontrollably in normal situations. Well, the description of the tic disorders in the vast majority of real cases could not be further from that assumption. Since one in 162 children is affected and in most cases we probably don’t even know, we found it timely to gather what you need to know about this disorder.

Infertility investigation in practice – finding the reasons

As months go by, lives of many couples get infiltrated with a sneaky, uneasy kind of anxiety which could become the greatest fear for those who are seriously planning to have a child together. Infertility gets more and more realistic, thus more and more dreadful, even to an extent anxiety and horror themselves become one of the reasons for delayed conception. Good news is, if we choose to look for the reasons instead of hiding the fear in ourselves, in most cases, we will find a way to address the problem with the help of modern medicine. But when should we start to get suspicious and what to do then?

Headache: Types, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Unfortunately, not many people can pride themselves on not ever having headaches, but the good news is, they are fairly treatable in most of the cases, in spite the fact that this neurological disorder has highly diverse underlying causes of considerable complexity. In this post, we would like to give you an overview of headaches, as such, and give you some hints on what to do when having bad episodes. After all, there is a 50% chance anybody will experience headache during any given year worldwide, and if you are aged between 18–65, this chance can jump up to 75% (1).

Candida – what is it and what should (and should NOT) we do?

Candida is a genus of yeasts, which means that it is a family of fungi that have more than 20 species and many of them live on or in our bodies. The puzzling thing with Candida infection is that 1) we naturally have Candida in ourselves, so in the narrow sense we all permanently infected 2) the symptoms and results of this infection range from literally nothing to death, depending on where exactly and in what amount is the fungus present in our body. Let’s figure out together, what causes these huge differences!

Late-onset dementia - diagnosis and therapy

Generally, the continuous rise in life expectancy leads to an increasing number of senior citizens (3). Therefore dementia as leading neuronal alteration occurs and diagnosed more often, 36 million people in the world are living with dementia with a projected increase in 2030 to 66 million0 (2). Dementia is a syndrome that is the effect of extended brain disease. It can be described as any disorder where significant decline from one’s previous level of cognition, emotional, behavioral abilities causes interference in everyday life.

Weather sensitivity – urban legend or medical condition?

In European culture, talking about the weather is among the favourite topics, when we would just like to start or maintain a light conversation. And usually, during these conversations we are going far beyond the mere description of the environmental changes: we eventually start to talk about the weather’s effect on our mental and physical state or in short, often focusing on our individual weather sensitivities. But how immense this effect really is? Strictly based on scientific data, we tried to figure it out.

STDs - when do you need to check what’s up?

Sexually Transmitted Diseases - or in short, STDs - are among the most feared ones to openly discuss. Although we are becoming more and more aware of the issue, it might still be surprising actually how many affected people go asymptomatic (showing no symptoms at all) and how they can get STDs without actually having sex with anybody. Here are some guidelines on what a health-conscious person does when it comes to the suspected disease of the genitourinary system (1)